UVpro tubes – specialists for many applications

UVpro tubes have been specially manufactured and adjusted for use. The classification is made according to the kinds of tube contacts ( 2-pin or 4-pin ), tube length ( 100 – 1,000 mm ), glass

specification ( tubes with no ozone or with ozone production ), and glass structure ( tubes for dry areas with one wall, for submersible emitters with two walls, and thermo-tubes with two walls ). Each of those tubes has its characteristic specification for the temperature / power and IP factor ratio. All the tubes have been designed for a minimum duration of 12,000 work hours ( with the remaining 70 – 75% of the specified original power ), but they can last up to two years of continuous work in many applications. Of course, in our company, besides the tubes for our actual equipment range, you can also order replacement tubes for the equipment range you could find in our company in the last ten years. Therefore, we can still equip your older devices with the UVpro UVC quality. There are also some special tube dimensions.

  • Tubes 100 -1,000 mm in length
  • Submersible devices and thermo-tubes, 2-pin and 4-pin versions
  • Tubes with no ozone and tubes that produce ozone
  • All the tubes with teflon protection against glass breakage according to the HACCP and IFS standards

UVCline 8 control electronics for monitoring 8 channels

With the UVCline you have very flexible possibilities of application and combination of monitoring 8 UVC units with one module. Besides monitoring the flow of electric current in each individual channel, the number of work hours and ignition processes are also registered. 

The system will remind you of an imminent tube replacement. Optionally, a UVC sensor of UVC radiation efficiency can be installed into the system, through the RS 485 Bus System. The connection to your home automatics is made with no voltage contact, or also, through the bus system. It is delivered as one module, or, completely assembled, marked, and connected, in a control box made of stainless steel.

  • Monitoring UVC disinfection units
  • A separate hour meter for 8 channels
  • RS 485 Bus System
  • Voltage-free contact
  • Possible connection of UVC efficiency sensors

UVC LOG meter, dosimeter and data logger

UVC LOG, with its measurement area of 0.01 μW/cm² to 50 mW/cm², is a versatile talent among UVC meters. Using it, you can monitor the maximum workload for the employees, and also adjust the UVC tube efficiency.

  • UVC meter, dosimeter and data logger within one device
  • Compact and very robust design
  • USB interface with an operational PC software
  • Sensitivity to up to 1 log below the limit for permanent work
  • Includes the stand, the charger and batteries