Ozone (O3) is a form of oxygen which has yet another oxygen atom, unlike the oxygen we breathe in from the atmosphere ( O2 ). This third oxygen atom makes the ozone molecule unstable, which is a key to its oxidation energy. Since ozone is unstable, it very quickly disintegrates in normal conditions, it needs to be produced continuously and perform the process of disinfection. Ozone delivery products provide the power in optimum amounts, which is necessary for disinfection in certain application.

How is ozone generated?

The chemical reaction producing ozone is fairly simple. Ozone is a form of oxygen which is generated when electrical energy breaks simple oxygen molecules ( O₂ ), triggering a chemical reaction which generates ozone (O3).

  • Electrical energy breaks simple O₂ molecules into two O1 atoms
  • The free oxygen atom merges with the other O₂ molecules to generate ozone
  • (O1) + (O2) = (O3)

Ozone is an unstable molecule due to the third oxygen atom, linked to the other two atoms by a weak bond ( see the single-line symbol in the picture ). The weak bond is the reason why ozone acts as a strong sanitizing agent, as represented below.

The DEL Ozone systems double the process by means of advanced technology which generates ozone safely and reliably in controlled amounts, and thus efficiently achieve our goals regarding disinfection.

How does ozone act?

After the DEL Ozone system has delivered ozone through the disinfection system, the ozone purifies the water or generates ozone-enriched water for the sanitization of surfaces through ozone oxidation.

The unstable third oxygen atom can combine with organic or inorganic molecules, and it breaks them or alters them during the oxidation. This process is almost instantaneous. For instance, ozone kills Cryptosporidium parvum in the swimming pool as soon as it touches it, whereas chlorine, in normal pool concentrations, might take hours to kill it. As well as chlorine does, ozone also gets “spent” in the process of oxidation and it has to be regenerated.

He oxidizes with a vast range of other substances. In the swimming pool, organic molecules can include viruses, bacteria, fungi, moulds, oils, organic chloramines etc., whereas inorganic molecules can dissolve metals such as iron, copper and manganese, as well as inorganic forms of chloramine. On the surfaces where food is prepared or in the food itself, they can target Salmonella, Listeria, E. coli, or any number of other dangerous micro-organisms. In hospitals and launderettes, ozone kills very dangerous antibiotic resistant staph bacteria ( MRSA ), which can be transmitted via clothes or bedding.

The chemical process of ozone oxidation is merciless. It goes on until ozone is completely destroyed ( actually, it gets “reduced” in the process of oxidation with other substances ). When that third unstable atom has peformed its oxidizing duties, it leaves behind just the familiar oxygen molecules, like the one in the air we breathe in, O₂. The DEL Ozone systems perform this entire process for the benefit of human activities.

Ozone disinfection surpasses traditional treatments

  • is an efficient anti-microbe oxidant, which can be safely used as a disinfectant / sanitizer, wherever traditional chemical or thermal methods of sanitization are used. It is also used as a gas, or dissolved in water, as a water solution. It has been confirmed as “the killer” of all the known human patogenes, and it has been safety-tested for use in human and environment living areas.
  • has also been safety-tested by a third party – by the scientists – ever since 1906, for many patogenes in a number of applications. However, almost all of them confirmed the same patogenes to be considered critical for the food safety. These include ( yet are not limited to ): E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Campylobacter, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Cryptosporidium, Aspergillus, Novovirus and Adenovirus.

The research has demonstrated that ozone is more efficient and that it has a larger oxidation potential than most traditional disinfection / sanitizing substances ( e.g. chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, peroxy acids and chlorine dioxide ), and its use eliminates the need to apply various sanitizing substances, as pollutants cannot develop tolerance to ozone. Ozone is non-corrosive for work surfaces, does not negatively affect the organoleptic properties of food, and there is no residue after the application ( no final rinsing is necessary ).

Santization in a direct contact with food

Ozone will not affect the organoleptic properties of food ( taste, texture, colour and smell ). He is a powerful disinfectant. It can help to extend shelf life and enhance the overall food safety.

Surface sanitization on alimentary and non-alimentary contact surfaces

He can be used for disinfection of surfaces prior to, during, and after manufacturing. When used in manufacturing, ozone will reduce the cleaning time between the switching off the assembly lines, and reduce the break time for cleaning and disinfection.

Process equipment, cutterknives, packaging, conveyor belts

When sprayed onto conveyor belts and automated-cutting equipment during the processing, ozone can eliminate bio-film and considerably reduce grease, oil and fat on all surfaces. He reduces cleaning breaks, and provides additional protection against contamination on a process line. Ozone system is an excellent addition to standard processing protocols, and in some cases it can replace chemical or thermal processes. It can be used as an addition to the intervention point in the HACCP plan, or it can be used instead of one or several chemical or thermal traditional treatments. Ozone is applied in a water solution ( it dissolves in water ) or in a gas state when stored.