Professional lighting ensures greater satisfaction among the guests, lower lighting costs, and a reduction of maintenance costs. In hotels, restaurants, bars, and the like, it is necessary to create different kinds of ambiance for different purposes: reception desks, restaurants with intimate atmosphere, rooms, conference halls, bars, areas where the employees work and stay.

Lighting creates the atmosphere which offers an experience to the guests. By creating an appropriate atmosphere, various needs of the guests can be met. Lighting is a vital element for a night ambiance of hotels, restaurants, bars, , as they need to attract the attention and interest of potential guests, and be different from the other areas by their visual identity. It is very important to highlight one’s object, to make it different, and to please the guests, so that they should return and recommend it to others.

Lighting is one of the most efficient ways of reducing costs. Lighting accounts for as much as 42% of energy consumption, and 70% of that is not used efficiently. An extended durability and energy savings achieved by using professional lighting are the key factors when it comes to the selection of lighting, which should lower the energy costs and simultaneously improve the guest’s experience.

For hotels and catering facilities we offer a wide spectrum of professional lighting …